The PCT is divided into five main sections and all of Southern California is known as the “desert”. Before starting out, this title conjured up many visions for me, but so far, none of those images have come to fruition. The arid mountains and valleys of Southern California are incredibly diverse with different ecosystems at every turn. It’s fun to walk across the hillsides with different aspects and elevations, marveling at all that is green and coming to life this Spring!
The section between Julian and Idyllwild, California, was especially diverse and dramatic. Today’s post is a feast for the eyes so that you too, can enjoy springtime in the “desert” of Southern California.

For my birthday, I made a big milestone, resupplied with the Yeti at Ranchita Bodega and met up with several friends on the trail.

Then, I continued on to the Warner Springs Community Resource Center for hikers, and headed out into the mountains toward Idyllwild.

All the while as I walked, the snowy San Jacinto Mountains were looming closer and larger up ahead. What happens in that next section makes a great story to come!