The Mitad Del Mundo (The Middle of the World) is a massive monument straddling the North and South Hemispheres… almost.  

The French Geodesic Mission got it wrong by a few miles.  The Indigenous people of Ecuador located the actual Middle of the Earth centuries before.  Current technology has confirmed that the Indigenous tribes were actually correct.  While one of the exact sites along the equator is marked with a small humble roadside monument – see previous post, this “close-enough” monument is grand and impressive.  The monument is filled with historic and cultural displays of Ecuador as well as a science museum with exhibits on the astrological connections and magnetic forces at the equator. 
A small acknowledgment to the people who understood 
the size and shape of the Earth all along. 
Notice the yellow line as the “Equator”.
With one foot firmly planted in each of the north and south hemisphere, I posed for the obligatory picture.  What I didn’t know, was that some hilarious Ecuadorian photo-bombed me.  I think it makes the picture even better.  I love their humor!

The rest of the park contains a living history museum of traditional Ecuadorian housing, 
the workings of the Banana and Cacao industries, the historical Ecuadorian railroad, 
and an astrologic museum. 
On Sundays, the plaza is filled with traditional 
Ecuadorian dancing and music.

Even though this isn’t exactly the Middle of the Earth, 
it sure was worth the trip!