Soon after reaching my 1000 mile mark on the PCT, I saw a map of the trail and its wanderings through California. After all I had lived and walked, there was so much more of Northern California to go. I was very disheartened to say the least.
It’s true, I once dreamed of doing a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada, but here it was, the middle of July already and time was running out. In addition to this, Northern California, which is known for having long, flat, dry, and already burned out sections, was burning again.
So with this dilemma, what’s a girl to do? I say- Get to the best parts of the trail while I can and eat dessert first!
So, with that realization, I skipped up to Oregon and Washington!
To do this, I first called a wonderful new friend, who I actually met in Argentina, to help transport me across the state.

Sylvia Craig drove all over Northern California to fetch me from Donner Pass and deliver me up to Oregon, while her daughter Andrea and grandson Gus treated me royally in Redding, California.
Next, in Castella. California, I got to visit my college professor, Danny Guthrie!

Then, I called upon some friends in Bend to help get me further north in Oregon to avoid the fires around Crater Lake. For a week I rested, ate lots of summer fruits and vegetables, slept in a big bed with an old- fashioned quilt, watched the Olympics, got my tent and other equipment repaired and had some summertime fun.

Finally, I got some great cookies from my friend Katie who mailed them all the way from Alaska. I’m definitely ready for the trail now!

So, my dear readers, by the time you read this, I expect that after entering the trail at Elk Lake, I’m already somewhere north of Santiam Pass and headed for Mt Hood.
To all my Oregon friends, I hope you can come visit me on the trail!
Andrea Scharf
Good decision, Becky!!!! You earned your ‘dessert’–oh i was going to say ‘by walking through all the deserts,’ but that’s too silly. I just think you’re making a smart choice. Steph and i have talked about finding a place to meet up with you (with trail magic, of course!) so maybe that will happen. I’m still enjoying every minute of your adventure and looking forward to seeing more familiar and beloved PNW sights! And sites! Happy Trails!
Glad to read your updates, Becky. Amazingly beautiful always.
hamburger helper
I would consider it a gift if you would put some of your smile in a bottle and ship it to me stat. There is an envelope waiting for you in Portland.
Gayle Warberg
Welcome back to the beautiful PNW! Keep us posted when you’re close to the Portland-Cascade Locks area. Is there anything that you’re in need of that we can get for you? Your journey has been extraordinary!
Sounds like a great idea!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Pat Schirmer
I like you dessert now mindset! If possible, let us know when you are in the Snoqualmie Pass/Stevens Pass area. If possible, it would be great to team with you on the trail. All the best, Pat Schirmer
Sara Tanner
You are amazing Becky!!! Hope you’ll have time for a visit when you’re still in the PNW! Sending you tons of good wishes!!
Your accomplishments are amazing! How far you’ve come and how much more you go is not only inspiring, but humbling. Our lives have taken such diverse paths since leaving Portland. Keep going, keep smiling. I look forward to our lives connect again.❤️