For 2650 miles, the Pacific Crest Trail wanders through some of the finest scenery the west has to offer- including one of the favorite gems of our country, Yosemite National Park. Across 70 glorious but rugged miles, the PCT traverses the steep ravines and wildflower-filled meadows of the east and north sides of the park and for over six days, I relished in all the light and form and beauty that Yosemite has to offer.

After all that, Jana and I caught a morning tourist bus taking us into Yosemite Valley.

We enjoyed the major sites, camped in the Backpacker’s campground and cooled off in the river with thousands of other tourists. But mostly, we ate ice cream. Lots of it. It was really hot down there!

Then, we headed north again. For the next six days, Yosemite’s grandeur kept us in awe.
Yosemite is known for its rock; enormous slabs of granite gouged and smoothed by glaciers, water and wind.

Yosemite is known for its rivers, sometimes wandering slowly or rushing wildly, while always carving and smoothing along their journey.

Yosemite is known for clear, cold lakes where we went for refreshing swims.

Yosemite is known for its multitude of meadows with flowers lining every step.

And, Yosemite is known for its wildlife. At least I got to see lots of mosquitoes!

Andrea Scharf
So beautiful!! Thank you, Becky!!
Gayle Warberg
Absolutely stunning! Makes the long journey so worth it! Thank you for sharing scenes that most of us will never see!
Chris Clark
Awesome photos. Thanks for sharing your experience. I would love to see what you are seeing.
Chris, AKA Raven – Trail Angel and friend of Hamburger Helper